Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome Back!

Hola clase! ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Este año, vamos a divertirnos muchísimo. Antes de empezar, por favor, miren el video de a la derecha que se llama, "One Semester of Spanish-Love Song."

Hello class! Welcome to Spanish class. This year we are going to have lots of fun. Before we begin, please watch the video from at the right entitled, "One semester of Spanish-Love Song."

¡Qué cómico! Yes, this is funny but to my novice students, don't worry, I promise you will learn a lot more this year. For my IM students, I hope you enjoyed the video. Now, fasten your seat belts and get ready for a wonderful and challenging ride!

Novice/IM Students: The handouts you received in class today have everything you need to know about this class. Take a moment to read the introductory letter and syllabus. Afterwards, both parent and student should sign their names indicating that everyone is on the same page when it comes to classroom policies and procedures. sure to pay close attention to the information in the syllabus, as there will be a quiz on the syllabus sometime this week.

But...before you get started on your HW let's take a minute to enjoy a movie clip from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I am sure you are already thinking about your first day off!!!

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